I would really like to think that there comes a day when
Life doesn’t throw me any more surprise parties. I suppose that will be when I am dead.
Sometimes, the result of this is that I become temporarily Afraid
of Life. I want It to leave me alone. I stay home, and hunker down. I close the
blinds, put on a heavy sweatshirt, eat popcorn, and waste incredibly large chunks
of Time. I sleep. I travel out to get the things I need, moving carefully and
purposefully from my car to the store, or work, and back again. I speak to no
one unless spoken to. In this way, I fool myself into thinking that I have
escaped Life’s notice for a little while – that I have stopped the world ‘cause
I wanna get off.
Of course, we know it does not work this way. Life is the
Ultimate Party Girl and you are going to get dragged along – kicking and
screaming if necessary. So wouldn’t it be better to just roll with it rather
than dig in one’s heels or get the spaghetti arms and drop to the floor and
say, “I’m not doing it!!” Yes, yes it would, probably.
And sometimes…I do. But sometimes………..it requires incredible bravery or
just hutzpah or determination or naked faith to go along.
Today, I shall crack open a can of Naked Faith and rejoin the