So why would you not want to blog?
Well, maybe you hate blogs. Some people really find them boring. If you don’t feel that you want to contribute to the overall boredom of the world, then maybe blogging is not for you. Me – I hope it’s not boring but I cannot be constrained by such worries! I will not be silenced! I must write what I write and send it out into cyberspace.
You probably should not blog if you start to feel obligated – you feel like it’s a chore. Why do this to yourself? At this point, there should be no sense of guilt or obligation attached. I’ve never heard anyone say, “Well! She can’t even be bothered to BLOG. I take offense to that!” No. No. No. Nobody is going to take offense if you don’t blog. There may, however, be those who applaud. These are small-minded people who probably don't even know where to find all of the letters on a keyboard.
Speaking of offending people, you might not want to blog if you are worried about offending people. The best blogs are going to be those that are authentic – they ring true, and the reader can tell. I say: be brave and keep in mind the old saying, “You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” Accordingly, if you're planning a future in politics, you might not want to blog (Or tweet. Or post crazy pictures of yourself on Facebook).
Blogging, in my opinion, should be something that gives back to you. There should be a return for you on this effort. That’s got to be the bottom line to any creative endeavor. Otherwise, it kind of defeats the whole purpose.